Our same source is back at it again and we have some further clarification on the iTunes 9 rumor we posted a couple days ago. We really have to take this information at face value, but again felt it was worthy enough to be published. Here’s some of what was just told to us about iTunes and something else entirely:
- The social networking integration that we reported iTunes 9 would have seems to be part of a bigger social networking push by Apple. We’ve been informed that Apple has plans to tie iTunes 9 into a “Social” application that they plan to release in the future. It was said that the application (separate from iTunes) will be similar to Yahoo’s OneConnect offering and consolidate all your social networking services. (iPhone application? Desktop app? Wasn’t clarified to us).
- The application will allow you to broadcast what music you’re currently listening to, allow you to share your music with people on your network, connect with your friend’s friends (no clue on that one), and update all of your statuses at the same time. ITunes 9 will let you broadcast music statuses as well.
- As far as the iTunes application organization feature, we’ve been told it allow you to sort your applications alphabetically, by genre, date added, and of course, custom arrangement.
- That’s all what we have for now. Again, this isn’t confirmed and some of it seems a little far-fetched, but let’s see what happens here. It’s going to get interesting
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