iBlacklist 3.0-8 crack

Manual Patching Instructions:
- Install iBlacklist from Cydia (Bigboss Repo)
- Replace the iBlacklist file in /Applications/iBlacklist.app/ folder
- Replace the iblacklist.dylib file in /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/ folder
- Replace the iBlacklist.sqlitedb file in /Applications/iBlacklist.app/ folder
- Replace the iBlacklist.sqlitedb file in /var/mobile/Library/iBlacklist/ folder (Do not replace if Upgrading)
- Make sure the iBlacklist & iblacklist.dylib have execute permissions (0755) after copying to iphone.
- Restart iPhone

DEB: (Full App)
- Crack files are compressed in 7-zip format. To extract use one of the several free apps like 7-zip, IZArc, PeaZip. On Mac, Stuffit works.
- If upgrading, using the DEB file might be easier.
Last edited by studguy1; 6 Days Ago at 05:28 PM..


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