If you have been a part of the iOS jailbreak scene for any length of time, then you will already be acutely aware that jailbreaking has its issues even before you take into account any potential security concerns. Apple is constantly finding ways of stopping jailbreaking from even being possible depending on the hardware and version of iOS that you are using on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch, and that’s no fun when you are faced with an update that needs to be installed. It’s just no way to live. There are, however, ways to get a bit of the jailbreak and Cydia experience without having to go through all of the hoop-jumping that can sometimes be required in order to get a full jailbreak, and Zestia is one of those ways.

While not quite the same as real jailbreaking, Zestia (previously known as X-Cydia) are perhaps a better alternative to stock iOS for some, and while it’s true that limitations are likely to be in place depending on what it is you’re looking for, this may be worth checking out if you want to jailbreak but for whatever reason, can’t. We’re going to run through the steps you need to take – none of them are difficult – and leave it up to you as to whether this is something you want to give a whirl.
Here’s how things need to go down.
Step 1: Using Safari, visit zestia.lmdinteractive.com on your iOS device and tap Install Zestia.
As seen in the screenshot below.

Step 2: Tap Install on the Profile page and enter your PIN if requested.

Step 3: Hit Install a couple more times and finally, Done.
Step 4: Press the Home button and you will find a new Zestia icon on your Home screen. Tap that.
Step 5: Once in Zestia, choose the app you want to install and follow the procedure through to completion. It’s self explanatory and not at all dissimilar to using the App Store.

Step 6: Launch the Settings app, then tap General > Profile, and finally tap the name of the app you just installed.

Step 7: Tap the Trust option and then tap Trust again on the modal box that appears afterwards.
Step 8: Launch your newly downloaded app!
While not strictly Cydia, Zestia – like Mojo and others before it – will offer you apps that would never see the light of day in the App Store, so that may be enough to whet your appetite. If not, then a full jailbreak is still the best way forward unless you’re more of a purist and prefer your iOS devices as pure as the driven snow. In which case, how did you get this far through this pos
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