Warning: Stay Away From Unofficial MobileSubstrate Patches

Warning: Stay Away From Unofficial MobileSubstrate Patches

Saurik has taken to Reddit to warn jailbreakers not to install the unofficial MobileSubstrate patches that have been surfacing online. 

Since the release of the iOS 7 Jailbreak was a surprise to saurik, MobileSubstrate (which many tweaks run off of) has not yet been updated for the new operating system. Currently, after a reboot, MobileSubstrate will not reload leading several users to create their own unofficial patches.

Commenting on the MS Reload Fix saurik said:

(This is horribly dangerous: MSHookFunction is not designed to be used on functions that might actively be running; this makes Substrate get injected into launchd while launchd is loading launch daemons... no one should install this; it doesn't even solve the problem remotely correctly for anything but SpringBoard/backboardd, and will end up leaving you with Substrate having been randomly applied to different background processes.)

If you've jailbroken with evasi0n 1.0.1 there is a solution which may actually work; however, saurik recommends that you just wait a little longer for the official update.

In that light, it probably does work (it is not "dangerous" as I described the previous ones), but there is still little point in installing it because clearly a new build of Substrate would come out soon using this new feature I got from evad3rs ;P. (Which didn't happen yet as I took Christmas Eve/Day mostly as a holiday.)

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