Every once in a while, an app finds its way into the App Store that isn’t quite as it seems. We’ve seen flashlight apps that are actually back doors into tethering in the past, but it’s been a while since we saw something particularly daring. After all, as soon as someone in Cupertino notices what’s going on, there’s a 99.99999% chance that the app’s going to get pulled with extreme prejudice.
So, with that in mind it’s with a wry smile and a little giggle that we tell you about a app called Remote File Manager that is currently residing on the iOS App Store.
First off, stop reading this now and go and install Remote File Manager on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch. It’s less than a dollar, and you’ll thank us for it afterwards. It’s OK, we’ll wait. You take your time.
Done? Good. What you’ve just downloaded, according to the App Store’s description of Remote File Manager, is an app that lets users connect to services like Dropbox and browse their files. If they really want to, they can also view those files and mess around with zipped up files, too. But if they do, they’re sort of missing the point, and here’s why: Remote File Manager is also an SNES emulator in disguise, and a rather good one!
Keeping that fact nice and quiet, the app’s developer managed to get the thing past Apple’s App Store testing people and it’s now available for purchase. All users need to do is upload their SMC formatted SNES ROMs to their Dropbox account and voila, they can play them via the Remote File Manager app. What’s more, it actually works rather well!
As if that wasn’t good enough news for you, the story doing the rounds online right now is that the app even works with some third party game controllers, including the popular iCade. For just $0.99, it’s well worth downloading before someone at Apple gets wind of what’s going on and it gets pulled double-quick.
Happy SNES-ing, everyone!
(Download: Remote File Manager for iOS on the App Store) Thanks, Xavier for sending this in!
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