Fish Labs announced that they are working on porting the highly rated mobile game Rally Master Pro to the iPhone. Rally Master Pro was even named to be the Best Mobile Game of 2008 based on a aggregate of game review scores compiled by Pocket Gamer.
Fish Labs reports they are bringing the title to the iPhone and iPod Touch "in the autumn" with "revved up rally graphics". All the 3D models and textures have been enhanced with a 4x increase in polygons over the Java/mobile version.
The game comes with enhanced particle effects and dynamic lighting:
Depending on the track surface and weather, a variety of dust, spray, and even dirt particles will be generated for each individual tire. The various kinds of particles act quite differently. On dry, dusty tracks the car leaves a massive cloud of dust while racing through a forest on a rainy day you can literrally see the mud flying.
Thanks to the high-powered 3D chips (OpenGL graphics acceleration) in the iPhone, we can light the vehicle in a variety of ways, depending on the weather: with lots of light and shadows when it’s sunny, diffuse when the sky is overcast, and correspondingly dim in rain and storm.
The game will include 27 courses and weather effects for sun, rain, and snow.
These early screenshots are from the beta build and may change as they continue work on the game
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