It is available in the Cydia hack iHome, this novelty will please many here in the blog. Ele funciona apenas deslizando o dedo em baixo do Dock, ele permite o acesso as principais funções utilizados pelo botão “ Home ”. It works just sliding your finger down into the Dock, it allows access to the main functions used by the button "Home".
Main features:
When the last page of Springboard, slide your finger on the screen to the left to come to the first page
If you are on the "edit Icon" or "vibrate" also slide your finger to the left to close the Wiggling
If you move your finger on the left to the right side puts the iPhone on your lockscreen, display off
(Lock, Respring, Reboot, Power Off) A very small shift to the right, appears a pop-up window with several options (Lock, Respring, Reboot, Power Off)
Putting the finger on the screen 5 seconds take a Screenshot of the screen that running
-When we use the applications like Safari or the iPod, move them to me the finger on the screen to the left and you will see a pop-PUP which has the option to continue playing or cancel and vote for the main screen.
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