Ryan Petrich Teases New 'FlipControlCenter' Tweak, Display Recorder for iOS 7 [Video]

Ryan Petrich Teases New 'FlipControlCenter' Tweak, Display Recorder for iOS 7 [Video]

Ryan Petrich, a popular iOS tweak developer, has teased an upcoming FlipControlCenter tweak and Display Recorder for iOS 7. FlipControlCenter allows you to change the order of Control Center toggles and have more than the five toggles Apple has given you. 

The tweak also lets you change the number of toggles on either the top row (Airplane Mode, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth etc) or the bottom row (Flashlight, Stop Watch, Camera etc).

In addition, you can add toggles like Respring, set Auto Lock, and Access the Settings App to Control Center.

[via rpetrich]

We've attached a YouTube version for those who can't view the above one.


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