iSafeCopy - Tool for Backup and Restore

The developer Daniel hdsq2 Channel iPhone, developed a tool that will appeal to all users of the iPhone. It is a tool for Windows that lets you back up key files from iPhone. When we perform a restore or an update on our iPhone version of lost a lot. Of course, today we have some apps for the iPhone, but the iSafeCopy proposes to implement this backup in the PC and thus in a future restore send any content to the iPhone.
Note: It is necessary both for backup and for the RESTORE CYDIA and OpenSHH be installed and enabled on your iPhone. To Restore the applications and sources of Internet CYDIA is necessary. 

Tested the program for several (two) times yesterday trying to find some fault, and frankly did not find any program that meets the promete.Só one thing that I was upset, why does not this program has not been done before ... hehe

Source : iBlog Brazil


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