
The unofficial, official blog of the "iphone-dev team".
" To find yourself, think for yourself " - © Socrates 469 BC

We’ve got something for you! (No, it’s not the 3G unlock, but still something very useful.)

It’s a tool we’ve been working on to jailbreak a phone more quickly and easily, without requiring a full restore. Unless you are making a custom firmware with specific features, there is nothing inherent in the pwnage process that requires a restore, and we have been planning this tool for some time. It’s more convenient because you do not need to make a full IPSW and use iTunes with it, but your phone still ends up pwned and jailbroken.

In an attempt to be more open about our development process, we’re releasing a beta version of quickpwn, for Windows only. Other platforms are coming soon.

What you’re getting here is a development version (mostly feature complete) of an upcoming tool that we see as a complement to our current PwnageTool. It’s not ready for everyone just yet, but with a bit of expertise, it should work nicely for those of you adventurous enough to try it.

Currently QuickPwn requires your device to be running version 2.0.1 of the iPhone/iPod firmware. This requirement will change in a subsequent release.

Remember that although this is a development release, jailbreaking only deals with the S5L (application processor) side of the device, so it’s impossible for this to permanently damage your device.

This tool and technique has been available to the iPhone research and hacking community for about 5 days now (if you looked hard enough) and now that we have released it properly, we are sure you’ll see all sorts of tools popping back up that have, erm„ been on a long hiatus :-)

You can get it http://xs1.iphwn.org/releases/QuickPwn.zip

QuickPwn.zip is 14781306 bytes and the SHA1 sum is fa1a930f30a5edb27decfcd049b7fdcc455ee276

PS: Yes, our best baseband hackers are working away hard on the 3G unlock, we are not sure when, or even if it is possible, but we’ll keep you informed of any new progress that is made.

PPS: As QuickPwn matures we would like to add a funky UI, you know the kind of new UI that we are trying to promote (as seen in the latest versions of PwnageTool) and we’d certainly like the Windows tool to mirror the UI lovelyness of these Mac tools, so watch this space!


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